Charging and Remissions
Cleeve Primary School recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of educational activities, including trips and clubs can make towards a pupil’s education.
The school aims to promote and provide activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional optional activities.
Cleeve Primary School is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of financial circumstances, and has established the following policy and procedures to ensure that no child is discriminated against by our offering of school trips, activities and educational extras.
When organising school trips or visits which enrich the curriculum and the educational experience of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost of the trip. All contributions are voluntary. If we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, we may cancel a trip. If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child to participate fully in the trip or activity. Sometimes the school pays additional costs in order to support the visit.
In addition, we are committed to adhering to legal requirements regarding charging for school activities, and meeting all statutory guidance provided by the DfE.
At Cleeve Primary School will seek to charge for the following.
Residential visits
If the school organises a residential visit for the Year 6 pupils, the cost of this trip including board and lodging, transport, meals, entrance to any activities will be subsidised by the parents.
Music tuition
All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum. We do not charge for this. However, if the school introduced individual tuition in the playing of a musical instrument then a voluntary contribution would be sought.
Swimming lessons
The school organises swimming lessons for all children in Key Stage 2. These take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum. We do not ask for a voluntary contribution towards the transport costs for this activity.
The school organises cycling and road safety/awareness lessons for all children in Key Stage 2. These take place in school time enriching the school curriculum and are not chargeable.
Foundation Stage (FS1) Lunchtime costs and extra sessions
Parents of children in FS1 are able to add to their child’s free 15 hours childcare entitlement by paying for lunchtime sessions. Cleeve foundation stage offers lunchtime supervision for FS1 children at a cost of £2.50 per session. The children are required to bring in their own packed lunch.
Additionally, if there are available places, F1 parents are able to pay for extra sessions at a cost of £10 per am/pm.
Cleeve Primary has a school uniform and encourages all children to wear uniform in order to help children feel a sense of identity and belonging as well as reducing peer pressure, that children can feel to wear the latest fashions. Affordable uniform is available directly from school but we recognise parents’ choice to source uniform from other outlets to reduce costs.
Exam Fees
The school does not charge pupils for any examinations which are part of the National Curriculum.
Private Photocopying/Private Telephone Calls
Private calls are monitored on the phone bills and any calls identified are charged at the cost on the bill to the individuals concerned.
Private photocopying is 10p for black and white and 25p for colour (per copy). A record book is kept in the office to record this in.
Breakages & Fines
In cases of wilful or malicious damage to equipment or breakages or loss of school books, the head of school in consultation with the Chair of the Governing Body may decide to ask parents to pay for the cost of replacing the item. Each incident will be dealt with on its own merit and at their discretion.
Charging in Kind
The cost of ingredients, materials, equipment etc. needed for practical subjects such as food technology or DT is budgeted for and borne by the school. However, the school may charge for or require the supply of ingredients and materials if the product is to be owned and taken home by the child afterwards e.g. food products, art & craft etc. The school will inform parents prior to these activities giving them a choice to pay for materials for the activity.
School Meals
The school currently charges £1.50 per day per child for a school lunch (only Key Stage 2 pupils). Breakfast club costs £1 per day (for pupils who are not entitled to a free school meal). To qualify for free school meals, the parent/carer must be in receipt of one of the benefits below:
In England, children are eligible to receive free school meals (FSM) if their parents are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit, provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.
Community Use/Private Lettings
The hire of the school premises out of hours will be charged at £30 per hour.
These charges are subject to change depending on heating, lighting and caretaking costs. See the letting policy for more information.
Please see below charges for IT training (i.e. e-safety) which is carried out by our ICT Curriculum Leader:
£350 for a full day
£175 for half a day
£120 for 2 hours
£50 per hour for anything over 2 hours
Charges for safeguarding training, which is carried out by our Child Protection Co- ordinator, is £100 per day