The Pod
The Pod is a place where parents are able to be a part of their children's learning.
We encourage parents to build on or learn new skills with our life long learning programme. Parents have fun, engage and achieve. Take a look at the Pod timetable and join in.
Click on the links below to see photographs of the different activities that have been held in the Hub so far.
Ways you can help your child
FRED – Families Read Every Day
Reading at home with your child can help in so many ways. If you read one book a day to your child will be exposed to 200,000 more words by the time they start in Foundation. Children who read on a regular basis will move through the colours of the rainbow earning certificates, stickers and prizes along the way!
Bug Club –
All children have access to Bug club, if you are unsure of the login please speak to your child’s class teacher. Children have copies of every book appropriate for their age group and can access them on computers, laptops and tablets.
Times Table Rockstars –
All children have access to Times Table Rockstars, if you are unsure of the login please speak to your child’s class teacher. Children can test themselves on the times tables and compete amongst their class mates. Teachers can set specific times tables for their class to practise or let them have a go at them all! Children can access them on computers, laptops and tablets.
Homework –
Most classes now send ‘project’ style homework home every half term which links to their class’s topic. These are often art/D&T based projects which involve junk modelling and creating models/sculptures. The children really enjoy these and we’ve had some brilliant examples!